馬振龍牧師 Pastor Paul Niednagel


中華歐讚音樂創始團員。歐讚樂團傳道人、詞曲創作,敬拜主領。中華福音神學院、基督門徒訓練神學院敬拜禮儀學教師。來自美國中部,美國Gordon-Conwell神學院道碩、神碩、教牧博士畢業,1994年來台灣。曾與讚美之泉亞洲巡迴,磐石樂團配搭多年。自創歌曲「願祢國降臨」收錄於讚美之泉敬拜專輯「全能創造主」,曾製作個人雙語創作專輯「何等奇妙」, 華語專輯「不在祢以外」,也創作常用聖誕歌曲「有一位嬰孩」。曾參與開拓牧養雙語教會「讚美之家」,現任台北蒙恩堂音樂傳道。

Paul has lectured in Worship and Liturgy at China Evangelical Seminary and Disciples Training Seminary, as well as partnering with other institutions online. A founding member of Omnipro Music Ministries, Paul continues to serve there as a composer, worship leader and pastor. He received MDiv, ThM, and Dmin. degrees from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. After coming to Taiwan in 1994, Paul participated in various music ministries and helped plant and pastor the bilingual church, House of Praise. He joined Stream of Praise for their Asia Tour in 2000, 2001, and his song “Your Kingdom Come” was recorded on their album “Almighty Creator.” Paul also spent four years serving with Musicstone Ministries. He has released a bilingual album of his compositions, “What a Wonder,” as well as another album in Mandarin: “In You Alone.” The track, “A Child is Given,” from that album has become a Christmas standard in many Mandarin-speaking churches. Paul currently serves as minister of music at Grace Lutheran Church in Taipei.

林建兒老師 Mr Gabriel Lam


林氏現為香港傳韻樂社董事兼音樂總監、香港作曲家聯會、香港作詞家及作曲家協會正式會員。曾任浸會神學院電子音樂講師及香港教育局之「學校音樂創藝展」 音樂評判多年。2004年創立並舉辦「香港詩班節」十年之久。2008年為「中國交響音樂愽覽」之專訪作家。2012年任基督教文藝出版社特約音樂編輯至今。
林氏在八零至九零年代投身錄音製作,身兼作曲、編曲、指揮及監製。他曾指揮過不同的教會詩班及聖樂團 :「神同在使團」、「屯門宣道會青森傳歌」、2006年「基督精兵聖樂團」的復團指揮…等。林氏在 2004 – 2020年間,為「基督教香港崇真會救恩堂聖詠團 / 清唱詠團 / 室樂團」的總指揮。林氏的作品包括中、西器樂、獨唱及合唱,也曾經為楊伯倫先生編曲逾三十年,其中有 : 「夜鶯」及 「是因着愛」。林氏曾接受香港電台第四台之特約演出、專訪並轉播至海外交流。
林氏的聖樂作品交響管樂 「平安狂想曲」(2006)及管弦樂 「顯像遐思」之登山變像(2008)亦曾在港隆重演出。錄音帶、唱片、廣告,包括聖樂樂譜出版的原創及編曲,不計其數。林氏的原創樂曲包括 : 「人算甚麽」(二部或三部合唱)、愛的再思 (三部或四部合唱) 等;所編的曲 : 「豐盛的生命」 (混聲四部賦格曲)、「主啊!我在這裡」 (大合唱及管弦樂伴奏) 等。另外,2017年由基督精兵聖樂團委約創作了一套根據詩篇十九篇的現代民族風大合唱組曲 「星河頌舞」,是作曲家數年前曾在中國各民族采風的材料中有感而作;數年間,曾在中港演出過四場音樂會。林氏之部份作品, 亦巳收藏在香港中央圖書館被列為「特藏文獻系列」中。

Lam won first prize in the Hong Kong Open Competition of Music Composition in 1976. Later, he studied theory and composition under Prof. Lin Sheng-shih for over 7 years. He graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Composition.
Lam is music director of 2 Proclaim Production, full member of the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild Ltd., Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong, electronic music lecturer of the Baptist Theological Seminary. For many years, Lam was Adjudicator of the Schools Creative Music Showcase, organized by the Education Bureau. During 2004-2014, he founded and chaired the Hong Kong Choir Festival, and was one of the visiting authors of the Chinese Symphonic Music Expo in 2008. Since 2012, he has been a guest music editor of the Chinese Christian Literature Council.
Lam was active as a composer, arranger, conductor and producer in the recording industry around the 80’s and 90’s. He was also a conductor for various churches and Christian organizations. He was conductor of the God With Us Chorus, Tun Mun Alliance Church Choir, the revived Christian Soldiers Choral Society (since 2006), principal conductor of Kau Yan Chanting Chorus, Kau Yan Capella Ensemble and Kau Yan chamber orchestra of Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Kau Yan Church around.
Lam’s compositions include Chinese and Western instrument pieces, vocal solos and choral works. For over 30 years, he did arrangements of choral music for Mr. Yeung Pat Lun’s compositions, such as the Nightingale and Because of Love. Some of Lam’s compositions have been performed and broadcast through RTHK. Some of his sacred music, e.g., Peace Rhapsody (2006) for symphonic winds and orchestral work Immaginazione Del Transfiguration (2008) were performed repeatedly in Hong Kong.
Lam’s original compositions include: What is Man (2-part and 3-part versions), Meditation on Love (3-part and 4-part versions). Some of his sacred music arrangements include: The Abundant Life (fugue for mixed choir) and O Lord, Here I Am (for mixed choir with orchestral accompaniment). In 2017, he was commissioned by the Christian Soldiers Choral Society to write the choral suite Galactic Praises in 3 movements. The piece is of modern Chinese folk style based on Psalm 19, and was a result of years of research into folk music by the composer. It has been performed four times till 2023 in China and Hong Kong.
Some of Lam’s compositions have been collected by the Hong Kong Central
Library under the category of “Special Literature Collection”.

陳小雲教授 Prof. Vicky Tan



Dr. Vicky Tan Warkentien is a Professor of Music at Bethel University in Indiana, where her work includes directing the Bethel Chamber Orchestra. She also teaches courses in conducting, piano pedagogy, music theory, and aural skills. Concurrently, she serves as the Director of Choral Music at Clay Methodist Church in South Bend, Indiana, and the Chief Editor for Century Celebration, the choral publication published by the Chinese Christian Church Music Institute for Worship.

方錦源老師 Mr Francis Fong


在澳期間,方氏曾任西澳民俗音樂中心的行政總監,也先後創辦了多個樂隊和合唱團。他更分別被聯邦政府及西澳洲政府委任為音樂資助委員會委員。在音樂教育方面,方氏曾任多間學校的音樂/演藝系主任,亦曾任西澳洲教育局的多元文化教育委員會委員、西澳洲課程議會的音樂課程主任及音樂課程顧問委員會委員。他曾為Australian Music Centre編著中學音樂課本World Music in Australia。
方氏的作品多元化,包括中西器樂曲、四部合唱曲、兒童合唱曲及兒童音樂劇。他的音樂興趣很廣,除了教育、作曲和指揮之外, 還能教授多樣中西樂器。

Francis Fong was born in Hong Kong and is currently living in Perth, Western Australia. Francis received his Bachelor of Music Education (Hons) and Master of Music Education degrees from The University of Western Australia.
While in Hong Kong, Francis has taught in the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts as Senior Lecturer. Later, he worked at the Education and Manpower Bureau, and was at one stage their Acting Chief Curriculum Development Officer, leading the development of the Arts Education, Music, and Drama curriculum guides. He represented the Hong Kong Government at the Arts Development Council.
While in Australia, Francis has directed the Ethnic Music Centre of Western Australia and established several ensembles and choirs. He was an appointed member of arts funding committees of the Department for the Arts (Government of Western Australia) and the Australia Council (federal government). In music education, Francis has been Director of Music/Performing Arts at several schools, and a member of the Western Australian Multicultural Education Advisory Committee. He was commissioned by the Australian Music Centre to write and compile the secondary school textbook ‘World Music in Australia’. Together with his wife, Betsy, he established the Excelsis Music Academy in 2009.
In church music ministries, Francis has over 40 years of choral conducting experience. He founded the Chinese Christian Music Association of Western Australia in 1986 and the Hong Kong Christian Chinese Orchestra in 1997. He has since taken up the roles of Chairman, Conductor and Music Director of the orchestra at different stages, and is now their Honorary Advisor. Francis is serving in the World Association for Chinese Church Music as Vice-President (Education and Training).
Francis has a broad interest in music. His composition genres cover a broad spectrum, including Chinese and Western instrumental music, SATB and children choral works, and children musicals. Apart from education, composition and conducting, Francis also teaches a variety of Chinese and western instruments.

吉中鳴博士 Rev. Joseph Chi


音樂佈道家,媒體綠洲(MMO)義務總監,4DA Worship Centre 創辦人,現為紐約神學教育中心漢語網絡神學院,敬拜系系主任。

吉博士於1986年在加拿大成立以廣播及電視傳福音的「恩雨之聲」。1992年回香港工作,全職投入音樂創作,舉辦無數全球性佈道聚會,並致力推動敬拜讚美事工,並舉辦數以百計的敬拜讚美及司琴的培訓。自1992-1996年間,吉牧師也同時成為香港藝人之家傳道人,牧養影視及歌唱界之藝人。後來,為了更加專注於敬拜讚美及大眾媒體的事工,便於2001年9月成立媒體綠洲 (前稱「傳頌福音影視」),積極參與並推動使用舞台為佈道及敬拜的平台。


Rev. Joseph Chi is the CEO of Multi-media Oasis and founder of the 4DA Worship Centre. He is currently the Dean of the Worship Department of the New York Chinese Online School of Theology. Rev. Chi is also the founder of Showers of Blessing Evangelistic Ministry by way of radio and television in Canada in 1986. Then he started his Asian outreach and praise and worship ministry in Hong Kong Association of Christian Music Ministry in 1992. As a result, he organised hundreds of trainings in praise and worship, piano accompaniment, and worship service. Rev. Chi has also served as the pastor of the Home of the Artists, ministering artists in the entertainment sector from 1992 to 1996. Later, he founded the Multi-media Oasis Limited (MMO) to promote music and mass-media outreach ministry since 2000.

Rev. Chi is often invited to train in various seminaries, and preaches at many churches as well as lecturing praise and worship, singing and piano accompaniment, and has been travelling throughout North America, Australia and New Zealand, Southeast Asia, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, etc..

Rev. Chi has been serving God for almost 40 years in music training and reached out to thousands of students all over the world. He has published more than 500 songs of his compositions, and books such as “Handbook of Worship and Praise Practical guide”, “The Worshipful Heart”, “Chord and Rhythm 1” and “Mood Making”.